Saturday, February 24, 2007

Smiling, Crying, and Sleep

Guess you can tell by the title what fills my days. Those things and poop. :-) Since I know how to smile now, I like to do it all the time. This morning, I was so happy when my mommy was trying to nurse me that I had a hard time eating because I kept smiling at her. My daddy is really funny too. Every night when he comes home from work, he'll come up to me and ask, "What's for dinner Jonathinner?" I can't explain why, but I think that's the funniest thing I've ever heard and I smile and make laughy noises every time I hear that.

One day this week, I was really fussy. My mommy tried everything she could think of to help me feel better, but nothing worked. I didn't want her to hold me and rock. I didn't want her to walk around singing to me. I didn't want to be in my bouncy seat. I didn't want the swing. I didn't want to be in my crib. I didn't want to be on the floor with my activity gym. I didn't want to have tummy time. I just kept screaming. Finally mommy said, "Let's try this." and sat down at the piano with me in her lap and started playing. I really liked that. I sat quietly the entire time she was playing. She thought I was feeling better and stopped playing but I started crying again so she played a few more songs for me. I like music and now my parents know it too.

Since I hear my parents talking about it all the time, and everyone who talks to my parents about me asks them about it, I thought I'd update you on my night sleeping this week. In my last post, I told you how I'd slept till 5 am with an hour of crying to start the night. The next night, I nursed to sleep at 10:30 and slept till 5 am again. Then since you know I like to mix things up, I woke up every three hours the next two nights to eat. But I did try to apologize by giving my parents sweet 2 am smiles. It seemed to help. Several nights this week, I started crying when my mommy put me in the crib at 11 but she gave me my pacifier and let me hold her finger and I went right to sleep. The last two nights I only got up once at 3 am. I'll eventually figure this sleeping through the night thing out, but it's pretty hard.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Seven Weeks Old

Hi everyone! I've been busy these last three weeks learning about my world and haven't taken the time to write. It's a hard job trying to figure out how this body works. Actually, I just realized that I have arms and legs and spend a lot of time moving them to see what they can do. I already like to hold onto fistfuls of Mommy's hair whenever she's carrying me just like Thomas did. When I get mad, which I do sometimes because I've got a pretty bad temper, I like to swing my arm in a circle really fast. I hear my Mommy and Daddy giggling when that happens. Don't know what's so funny about it though. I have also learned how to smile and everyone seems to think it's really cute. I think so too which is why I'm attaching a couple pictures of my first smiles caught on camera. My mommy tried to get a picture of me smiling for two weeks but I was pretty stubborn and would only smile when the camera was nowhere near. But I finally decided to appease her and she took these pictures over the weekend.

I've had lots of people come visit me over the last few weeks and they all tried their best to spoil me. My Granny, Grandpa and Aunt Sandra came back to visit and Granny said she could really tell I'd grown a lot. My Gma and Two Pa, Mommy's grandparents, finally got to come see me and I had fun with them. I also got to meet my Uncle Jerry, Uncle Bobby, and "Uncle" Patty. And last weekend, my mommy's friend Jennifer flew all the way from Washington, D.C. to see me. I rewarded her with lots of smiles for that.

I've also been sleeping longer at night but I like to vary it just to keep my parents on their toes. Last night, I ate at 10, cried till 11, Daddy rocked me till 11:30 but I stayed awake the whole time, and then went to sleep at 11:35. I slept till 5 which is the longest I've slept so far. I'm still deciding if I want to wake up every 3 hours tonight just for fun. It's sure great being a newborn!