Friday, February 29, 2008

Guess How Old I Am

Watch the video and you'll see that I know. Thomas thought Mommy was taking a picture and not videoing which is why you'll hear him keep telling her to take the picture. I love telling you how old I am.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Really Almost There

Hi everyone! I am SO close to walking all on my own! When I try to walk from Mommy to Daddy, I get so excited I only make it a few steps before I fall down laughing. But if you ignore me and watch me walk from one place to the next, I can walk at least 5 feet by myself without falling down. The other day, Mommy was in the bathroom and saw me walk from the changing table to the bed. She said, "I SAW that walking boy!" And I started laughing and did it over and over again, back and forth, back and forth. I'm pretty proud of myself for learning how to do it. My only problem is that I want to run and my feet can't keep up with me so I fall down. I'll get it though!

I had fun in New York. I liked standing in the snow and I liked being out in the cold but I got very mad when I fell down face first in the snow. I was very good on the flights home, but wasn't very nice on the way up there. Well, that's what Mommy said. I say, all I wanted to do was push the light button on and off for the entire 2 hour flight (we took two 2 hour flights to get there) and it's not MY fault that I'm not tall enough to reach it by myself and needed Mommy to lift me up. Why couldn't she hold me up to it for 2 hours straight? Is that too much to ask? So, of course, I screamed bloody murder when she sat me back down in her lap. That's understandable, isn't it?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Almost There

I'm getting braver on my own. I'll take 4-6 steps by myself now. It won't be long.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dandelion Fun Too

I didn't want to be left out of the dandelion fun (see the other two blogs my mommy writes) so I'm posting this one of me and Grandma last night. I loved them too. And I got mad when they wouldn't let me bring it inside.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Straw Drinker

I'm letting my Mommy post this one because I'm napping.
We went to eat at IHOP last night, Thomas' choice, and I forgot to bring Jonathan's sippy cup with us. We ordered him a cup of water thinking we'd just help him drink from it when he was thirsty. When she brought the drink, he picked up the straw and tried to put it in the cup so we helped him get it in the lid. Then to our surprise, he put the straw in his mouth and started drinking. I know good and well that I didn't even give Thomas a straw till he was MUCH older than this, probably age 2. And here's Jonathan, drinking like a champ at 13 months. Wow. Thank goodness for cell phones or else we wouldn't have pics and videos of this exciting first time.

Want to see him in action? Click on the video above and enjoy. Listen carefully and you can hear Thomas' excitement in the background. He was just as proud as us.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Noggin Nodding

I like to encourage people to do what I want and I've recently found a new tool: nodding my head. I nod when Mommy plays Grandpa's Song on the piano. I nod when Mommy asks if I'm ready to get out of my carseat or my crib. And at mealtimes, I point at whatever item I want to eat next and when Mommy says, "Do you want more blueberries?" I nod my head and grin at her. Then I point at my peas and she says, "Do you want more peas?" I nod again. Then when I think it's time for dessert, I point to the Teddy Grahams box and grunt. My mommy asks if I want some bears and I nod so hard I shake my high chair.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I'm A Movie Fiend!

I LOVE watching movies in the car! In our family, we have a rule that says that we can't watch a movie in the car unless our trip is at least 30 minutes long. The only problem with that is that I can't tell time. So the minute I get in the car, I start squealing and pointing at the ceiling where I know the screen comes down. And I've found if I'm really cute doing it, Mommy will give in and let me watch one even if it's just to the grocery store. I'm not sure how long she'll keep breaking that rule but I'm going to enjoy it as long as possible.