Sunday, April 27, 2008


Tonight, my mommy was sitting on the floor trimming my brother's fingernails while he was watching TV. I wanted some attention too, so I walked up behind her, squated down and peeked around her shoulder to look in her eyes and said, "Mama!" I think that made her happy.

Now my daddy's pushing me to call him by name. I'll take that under advisement.

Tomorrow I'll be 16 months old! Yea for me!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm Very Smart

Did you know that? I've known it all along. I'm stubborn and don't always like to do what you ask me to, but I know exactly what you're talking about and I'm very observant. I know how to wave bye-bye. I just usually choose not to do it. I know how old I am. I just don't like to brag about it. And I can clap my hands but again, I have to be in the mood. And I'm even learning some of my body parts, but I rarely show you that I know them. Last night, I was in the mood to be a little revealing about what I know and observe. At Thomas' swim lessons, I was eating some Gerber Graduates fruit snacks. Mommy was only letting me eat one at a time because I like to put all of them in my mouth at a time and she says that could choke me. I ate until Mommy said they were all gone and showed me the empty package. I then took the package from her and walked away. She wasn't sure what I was going to do with it so she followed me. I walked over to the corner and tried to put it in the big trashcan. It had a lid on it so Mommy had to help me open that and then I put the trash in all by myself. And then at dinner, she handed me a baby wipe and asked me to clean my hands and face and I put it up to my mouth and wiped away. Two firsts in one night. See how smart I am?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sit Ubu Sit

What species am I? I think I'm human, but lately my brother's been treating me like a dog. He'll take a ball and throw it as far as he can and say, "Fetch!" Just in case he's right and I am a dog, I go get it and bring it back to him. He says, "Good boy!" throws it again, and says, "Fetch!" and off I go again.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I Can Play T-ball Too!!

We went to the park yesterday afternoon so my parents could help my brother practice t-ball. When he took a break from hitting to play catch with my daddy, I took that opportunity to show them that I know exactly what to do.
First you put the ball on the tee.

Then you get your bat ready.

Then you hit the ball with the bat.

And the ball goes flying.

And then you repeat the process.

My mommy wanted me to include this pic because she said I had a cute expression.

Same thing with this one.
Do they have leagues for 15 month olds because I'm totally ready.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Goalie Helper

Thomas was playing goalie in the last quarter of the soccer game on Saturday. I thought I could be of some help to him so I kept going out on the field. I must have helped because they won 1-0. Yeah me!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Me and My Bruh

My mommy took these pics of me and my brother today at the Dallas Arboretum. We wore shorts yesterday and coats today. Crazy weather here in Texas. I sure did have fun walking all over the place there. I didn't take a morning nap and fell asleep in the car on the way home even though a movie was playing and I never fall asleep when a movie is playing in the car.

I haven't written in a while. I've been busy walking. I had my 15 month check-up yesterday. I'm 80th percentile on height, 90th on head, and 60th on weight. I'm 1/4 inch longer than Thomas but a pound and a half lighter. I'm not as chubby as he was but I eat like a horse. The other day, we went to the park with James and his mommy, Lisa, and I ate all four chicken nuggets from my Happy Meal and 1/3 of James' cheeseburger before my mommy cut me off.

Since I'm still tired, I don't feel like typing anymore. Maybe I'll tell you more about myself next time. For now, enjoy these pics of me.