Thursday, May 31, 2007

Five Months Old!

Hi everyone! Well, I said in my last post that I'd write again in a week but babies don't know how to tell time. My mommy told me another post was overdue so I'm taking the time from my busy schedule tasting toys and rolling around everywhere to update you on my progress.

First things first, I am rolling now! I learned how to roll from my back to my tummy a few weeks ago but was having a hard time figuring out how to go the other way. Last night, I did it for the first time and I got SO excited. Today when we got home from Chuck E Cheese, my mommy and Thomas put me on my blanket on the floor and left the room for a minute. When they got back I was in the kitchen. I heard Mommy telling Thomas they have to be really careful with his toys now because I want to taste them all.

Now for the news from my 4 month check-up. I'm still a big boy. I've got to grow fast to catch up to my big brother. I weighed 19 pounds 2 ounces, was 28 inches long, and my head circumference was 17 1/2 inches. That puts me in the 105th percentile on weight, the 110th percentile on length, and the 92nd percentile on head (Mommy says I have a "little" head). I'm an inch and a half longer and over a pound heavier than Thomas was at this age. I'm going to be as big as him soon!

I really love my family. My brother can make me laugh just by looking at me. My daddy is so much fun and he holds me in all kinds of silly ways that make Thomas and I giggle and Mommy give him looks. And when it's almost time for me to eat, no one can hold me but my Mommy. I know where my food's coming from. My Grandma always wants to hold me but if I'm supposed to eat any time in the next hour, I cry. My mommy went to get a haircut the other day and didn't back until 20 minutes after I should have been eating. I was happily playing with my daddy but when I heard her voice, I remembered how hungry I was and started fussing. I really cry when I see my Grandpa too. I'm not telling anyone why, but when he talks to me, or even looks at me, I cry. He was sitting by me in the car the other day and when I woke up and saw him I started crying until he put a blanket up so I couldn't see him. I know he loves me and I hope I outgrow this phase soon.

I just learned how to blow bubbles and that's what I'm doing in the picture above. My shirt gets soaked but it doesn't bother me. I think it's really neat all the noises you can make with your mouth and your tongue.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I'm Four Months Old!

I've learned a lot in the last six weeks. I love holding my toys and tasting them all. I can roll over from my back to my tummy. Sometimes my arm gets stuck under me and I get mad but I'm getting stronger every day. I love to smile and flash my grin at everyone who looks my way. Last night I got to eat rice cereal for the first time. I LOVED it. Can't you tell?

I love my big brother. He loves me too and has a hard time letting me sleep. He likes to wake me up so he can make me laugh again. Whenever my brother cries, I cry too. Even if I'm taking a nap, if I hear him cry, I wake up and cry along with him.

I laugh all the time and have lots of tickle spots. I even laugh when Mommy is changing my diaper, I'm so ticklish. I love when my parents lift me over their heads and say "Superbaby!" I laugh and laugh and usually a long string of drool comes out of my mouth and my parents have to react quickly or it gets in their mouths too.

I have a doctor's visit next Monday. I'll try to write again and let you know how big I am. I'm wearing 6-9 month clothes so I'm still a pretty big guy. I'm looking forward to seeing if I'm still bigger than my brother was when he was this age. I'll write more next week.