Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8 Months Old

Hey everyone! Bet you didn't expect to hear from me again so soon. I like to keep you on your toes. :-) I have a lot to tell you about. First of all, here's the picture of my two teeth. I love having them but you have to be careful because I like to try to bite things and they are pretty sharp. I've only bitten my mommy one time while nursing. She didn't get mad at me because I didn't bite too hard, but give me a finger and I can really chomp down.

The next important thing you need to know is that I'm now wearing a Dynamic Orthotic Cranioplasty (DOC) Band. Around my house we just call it a helmet. The back of my head is moderately flat because I have always liked to sleep on my back. When my brother learned to roll over, he chose to sleep on his stomach, but I've always preferred my back. As a result, I have a flat head. After my six month check-up, my pediatrician referred me to Cranial Technologies for an evaluation of my head. They determined that I would benefit from wearing a band. From what I hear, depending on my growth rate, this should help my head grow in the correct shape within 2-3 months. I wear it 23 hours a day and for the most part it doesn't bother me. I've been wearing it about 2 weeks now and last night was the first night I slept all night. But hey, you try sleeping in a motorcycle helmet and see if you can do it. Do you like how it's decorated? My brother, Thomas, wanted to go shopping and buy some special dinosaur stickers for it. I like them and even though I don't know their names, my brother tells me the T-Rex is the best. And boy you should have seen my stickers glow when we were playing lunar golf last week! It was cool!
And wearing a helmet is pretty beneficial to me right because I started pulling up a few days ago. When I fall down, I won't hurt my head. I have a 2 year old friend named Cole who wore a band like mine, and he told me I have to learn to be careful with my head when I'm not wearing it. We'll cross that bridge later. Can you see what I went for the first time I stood up? That's right, my brother's dinosaurs. The toys I'm not supposed to have are always more enticing than the toys I'm allowed to have. I usually give myself away though. It either gets really quiet because I'm trying to be sneaky about it or I start squealing I'm so excited to have the "bad" toy.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

7 1/2 Months Old!

Hi everybody! I'm 7 months old now and I am such a happy baby. Check me out. Don't I look cool wearing my brother's "matey hat?"

I've had a busy summer! As you can tell from the picture, I can sit up now. I'm such a big boy. I am not crawling yet but I am rocking which according to my mommy means it won't be long. I am really good at rolling though. I can roll halfway across the room, pivot on my tummy and roll off in another direction. I'm pretty determined when I see something I want to get and it's usually one of my brother's toys or the newspaper. Things I'm not supposed to play with are much more enticing than the things I'm allowed to play with. I also have two teeth and Mommy says as soon as the new computer gets here, she'll upload those pictures for me.

I'm napping much better too. When I was younger, I'd only nap about 20 minutes at a time, but now I sleep for 1-2 hours at a time. I'm eating stage 2 baby foods now and I also love feeding myself the Gerber Graduates Puffs. My mommy told the pediatrician that at my 6 month check-up and she couldn't believe I could pick them up and eat them. But since I was, she said it was ok to keep eating them. Good thing, because I'm not about to give them up. I really like feeding myself. Mommy says it won't be long till she can give me more foods to feed myself. I like eating like a big boy.

Speaking of my six month check-up, I was 29 inches long (100+ percentile), 20 lbs 11 ounces (95th percentile), and my head was 18 1/4 inches (95th percentile). I'm still longer than my brother was, by an inch, but his head was off the chart and he outweighed me by 1 ounce.

I now love to squeal and scream. If you need to find my mommy in a store, just listen for me and you'll find her quickly. My brother never yelled as loud as I did, but I think it's fun. Luckily most of the time, my family eats at noisy restaurants so it hasn't been a problem.