Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm Four Weeks Old Already!

Wow! Can you believe I'm already a month old? My parents sure can't. Sometimes they tell me it seems like I was just born yesterday and other days they say it seems like the last four weeks have gone by very slowly. That's probably because they are so sleep deprived. :-) Most nights I go three hours between feedings. That means from the time I wake up hungry to the next time I wake up hungry is about three hours. For my parents that means they get a maximum of 2 hours of sleep at a stretch. Sometimes I tease them and go four hours. That's one of the fun things we newborns do to mess with our parents' heads, make them think we're about to start sleeping longer at night. Then we might want to eat every two hours the next night.

I think this is a pretty good picture of me and my big brother, Thomas. I usually don't think I look as cute in pictures as I do in person. Mommy says wait till I start smiling and then I'll knock your socks off. But this photo is actually pretty good and I like it. We're both wearing our "handsome" shirts. Thomas woke up that morning and wanted to wear his handsome shirt, which is a shirt like Daddy wears to work. So I decided to be handsome too.

1 comment:

LC Photography said...

I agree, those shirts are quite handsome, as are the boys in them.

Great to see how you are growing so big, Jonathan. Now, all you need to do is sleep a little longer so your Mommy & Daddy can get some rest :)