Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm learning lots more words these days. I'm still not talking as much as Thomas did at this age, but I have no problems communicating. One of my favorite words these days (after MINE) is whereowhere. I learned it from a song Mommy sings when I'm hiding, "Oh where oh where oh where is Jonathan. Where oh where oh where is Jonathan. Where could Jonathan be?"

When we're walking in a parking lot, I say, "Whereowhere ar (car)?" When I'm getting my pajamas on at night and my arm disappears inside the long-sleeved shirt I say, "Whereowhere arm?"

I also like to battle you. Can you guess who taught me how to do that? I'll find some stick-like object in the house: a Peter Pan knife, a pick-up stick, a fork, a light saber, you name it, and I'll walk up to you, give you one too, and say, "Battle!" It may sound more like "ba-ul" but that's what I mean. And then the game is on.

I LOVED the lights at Christmas. Whenever we'd see anything, I'd be the first one to notice it and I'd yell, "Light! Light! Light!" the whole time. I also think I'm a big boy. Just like my brother. He is finally allowed to plug in the snow globe and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I figured if he could do it, so could I. And I COULD do it. My family just didn't like me doing it. I was pretty sneaky about it sometimes too. We'd come in the house from being out, and I'd stop and plug in Rudolph on the way by. Before Mommy even noticed what I was doing. Yeah me!

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. I still have more I want to tell you but I have to go to bed now. Hopefully it won't be three months before I write again but you know us two-year-olds are busy guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so good to hear from you Jonathan!! I know you have been really busy, but I hope you don't wait so long next time.

Grandma - in Arlington